
Facts and myth about beauty, love and sex from the viewpoint of contemporary women.

Fair Helena?

Is life easier for beautiful women? Is female beauty achievable through hard work, self-discipline and surgical intervention? Are our bodies really ours, or do they belong to those who give them a like and commment? Multiple generations of women attempt, through their own stories, to define their stance on beauty, the ways it influences their life, relationships, sex, as well as personal fulfilment. This performance is another title that is part of the Flexxila project, in which we look at the fate of Helen of Troy through a contemporary lens.
Followed by a discussion led by an expert of the beauty myth.

Author: Michaela Zakuťanská
Direction, Production: Zoja Zupková a. h.
Dramaturgy: Iveta Škripková
Music: Anton Jaro ml. a. h.
Movement coaching: Libuša Bachratá a. h.
Production: BDNR ateliers under the lead of Katarína Mažáryová
Lights: Pavol Bukovina
Sound: Marek Horváth
Photography: Dodo Šamaj

Premiere: June 9, 2023
Length: 65 minutes (no intermission)

Alena Sušilová a. h.
Marianna Mackurová
Marianna Ďuranová
Ľubica Pradidová

Supported by the Slovak Art Fund using public funds.
Realized with the financial support of the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region.

Adults Adults