
Theatre of mobility & flexibility & emotionality.


To us, the MOFEM project (Theatre of Mobility, Emotionality, and Flexibility) doesn’t just represent a one-time activity, but a way of thinking about theatre. It is an idea with a long-term goal in mind, which aims to continuously and systematically develop relationships with disadvantaged groups and communities, as well as work in reverse to connect the ordinary theatregoing public with these communities. What else, if not theatre, should connect us and offer a space for different opinions, ethnicities, races and minorities to communicate?

In 2020, as part of MOFEM, we went on the road with our PUPPETRY STUDIO, from our repertoire for physically and mentally disadvantaged audience members, for whom it is impossible to visit a theatre performance. In 2021, BDNR continued this line of work,
specifically by focusing on children and young people with hearing impairments (in collaboration with pedagogical staff and parents).

The 2021 project MOFEM 2 consisted of two main lines of approach: one is the creation of a new puppetry studio titled THE TRAVELING EAR, a mini puppet-conducting course workshop with interactive audience participation in sign language. It is the first sign language puppetry studio in Slovakia. The second line is the digitalization of five fairytales and performances from the BDNR repertoire with subtitles to better meet the needs of the hearing impaired.

In 2022, as part of MOFEM Plus Plus, we put on the interactive performance THE GREAT JOURNEY (dir. Michaela Homolová) for the ordinary child viewer, as well as children with sight and hearing impairments. An important aim of the MOFEM project is to establish a close cooperation with selected schools and communities working with children and adults with sight and hearing impairments. In 2022, BDNR conceived THE FIRST STORYTELLER (dir. Marián Pecko), which premiered on June 30 2022, specifically with the goal of attracting the interest of the sight and hearing impaired minorities.

MOFEM 23 is a continuation of the project of sensitization of the public towards minorities, which is implemented by BDNR Banská Bystrica. The project specifically creates productions for children with hearing and visual impairments, using sign language and theatre
that can be seen with the ears, in which children (parents, teaching staff) without disabilities also participate. The project ensures the dissemination of newly created productions in Banská Bystrica and in selected locations with the intention of inclusion and equal communication with viewers of various minorities and the majority population. March 2023 saw the premiere of our dual Slovak/sign language fairytale THE LITTLE JELLYFISH. This story of a little jellyfish who is born rectangular is about understanding one’s own differences and the differences of others, and was directed by Zoja Mikotová, who studied at Gallaudet University in Washington, the world’s only university for the Deaf and hard of hearing. In 1992, she established the Atelier of Educational Drama for the Hard of Hearing at the Theatre Faculty of JAMU University in Brno. She received the Annual Prize from the Czech ASSITEJ Centre (2004) as well as the prize of the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic for her contributions to the development of theatre (2022).

The MOFEM project is realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of Slovakia.
