
The INTENDA Foundation and the FAMOUS WAR DIARIES project



The INTENDA Foundation focuses its attention mainly on the development of a society friendly to young people, through supporting initiatives by young people and for them. The Famous War Diaries project, within the framework of which the perforamnce-cum-presentation was created, is primarily intended for high schools and universities. It reacts to the sad but timely anniversaries of the First and Second World Wars. The aim of the project is to draw attention to the memeory and horrors of war through authentic stories, as well as to highlight the constant need to defend democracy. The project is focused on the themes of superiority, various types of discrimination, intolerance and their impact on shaping the overall social situation. (bulletin for The Stars are Silent)


The project consists of a theatrical and an educational part.


The aim of the theatrical part is the resulting production The Stars are Silent. In the productions, we present excerpts from the most famous wartime diaries: the diaries of Anne Frank, Tatiana Nikolaevna Savić, Alja Rachman and Helga Weiss.

All the mentioned diaries show the horrors and incredible suffering of individuals, families, and children during war, regardless of its origin.

The purpose of the educational part of The Stars are Silent is to offer the young generation a chance to meet lecturer Viera Kováčová and thus learn important information from the given field.

During the preparations, we worked intensively with the SNU Museum.


The BDNR repertoire deals with the topics of cultural hatred, supremacy, violence between people, racism, xenophobia, antisemitism – the Famous War Diaries project is no exception.

The production of The Stars Are Silent also traveled to Martin for the Dotyky a spojenia 2015 festival.

The premiere took place on November 28, 2014, and the production had seven reprises on its home stage.


Selected responses of our viewers to the production The Stars are Silent:

Thank you for helping us not forget. Rado and Zuzka.

Fantastic interpretation of the diaries. I think I will come to see this show at least one more time. Michaela M.

A clear sky, and the shining stars so far away, icily beautiful. Mute, observing, strewn with the glitter of trapped dreams. Every light, every flash, is a fate, and a victim. The stars are silent, watching. Without a voice. Full of testimonies, despair, hope and love…

Thank you for an amazing artistic experience! You are amazing. ŠUV Ružomberok.

… and you can find information about the production of The Stars are Silent HERE
