
Andrej Polakovič

Graduate of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica in
2018, majoring in acting. He was a member of the BDNR ensemble from 2019 to 2022.

He cooperates with the theater collectives Cliperton Theatre Banská Bystrica, Harry Teater, Theatre Without a Curtain Banská Bystrica, Hotel Maria Theatre Banská Bystrica, and the Center for Independent Culture Záhrada in Banská Bystrica. He has experience in presenting various cultural and social events and festivals.

Featured in productions for children:
Ch. Perrault, B. Schenková: Puss in Boots
Ajka Liňajka: Linetoddlerium
Iva Rečislawa: Slov(actually)

Featured in productions for adults:
I. Horváthová: Europe in Correspondence
Various authors: The Theatre at the End of the World
